

This is a chatbot to store your Todos, Deadlines, and Events! Everything is powered by a digitized Charmander, doing their best to be useful to you! (No Charmanders were hurt in the process of making this program)

Image of the program!


*ps: Commands are case-insensitive!


Charmander will display whatever he has on his list so far.

done [index]

Chamander will tick the indexed task as DONE.

delete [index]

Charmander will destroy the indexed task from its existance.

find [word_to_find]

Charmander will look through and show you which tasks contain the word_to_find!

todo [desc]

Charmander will add a TODO containing the desc.

deadline [desc] /by [yyyy-mm-dd]

Charmander will add a DEADLINE containing the desc and a date.

event [desc] /by [yyyy-mm-dd]

Charmander will add an EVENT containing the desc and a date.


Charmander will undo the last thing you did. Can’t be used consecutively. Please forgive Charmander and their bad memory.